Haiti? Seriously? With the kids? I seem to get asked these questions a lot. Followed by, "Why?" My answer comes in many parts. Mainly, however, I want them to experience life the way God meant for us too. I want them to not be held back by fear and apprehension. How amazing would it be for them to have the opportunity to spend time in a place where life is so different? Where there is a completely different culture? I want them to expand their knowledge of love, and redefine the term Neighbor. Sure, we miss our family like crazy and seeing them will mean more to us than you know, but the purpose for going on this trip and the reason we are taking our kids, is because we want them to grow. We want to give them opportunities to see God in action all over the world. Jake and I both feel very strongly about the country of Haiti. His parent's introduced us to the people, and we fell in love. Our spiritual gifts, our personalities, and our passions could all be of great use down there.
The purpose of this trip, is a bit of a scouting mission. Some of you know already and some of you don't, but Jake and I feel very called to make Haiti our home. When we go down in May, we will spend a lot of time in prayer about whether we are truly supposed to make the move or not. If any of you know me from the past, this is crazy to you. :) Trust me I get it. lol. Amber, a missionary? Living in a third world country for JESUS?! What the What?! Yes. It's true. :) God got a hold of my life and turned everything I once "knew" on it's head. I love every second of this new direction. Even the parts that scare the crap out of me. :) I ask that you all pray with us about the decisions we need to make and the trip in general. We are thankful to God for all the amazing things that have happened along the way that have proven to us again and again that we ARE supposed to be taking this trip. Hiccups with Eden's birth certificate, Getting passports for all three kids, finding plane tickets for a much better price than anticipated, even silly things like making sure we have the right clothes and shoes to wear while we are down there. God is AMAZING and he covers it all. I've updated our little thermometer on the right of the screen to reflect how far we've come funds wise. We still fall a little short, but I know God will bring it in. Thank you praying with us about the needs for this adventure. We've only got 2 weeks left until Take Off. I'm excited, nervous, and ready. Praises be to the Lord of Lords.
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